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A Million Miles Away

by Chris Sorrenti

Driving down the expressway
       sun sinking fast in my eyes
cars rush by like drunken mayflies
       and I am one of them
in too much a hurry to go nowhere
       a million miles away

A primitive beat amplified
       makes the speakers pulse behind my ears
whether we’re basically good or evil
       the chicken and egg all over again
finding affection only to lose it then
       a million miles away

My temples pound with love gone wrong
       the music telling me I should go
romance is fine till partners take advantage
       and love exists no more
what once was felt at the touch of a kiss
       a million miles away

And when the night reclaims the day
       the cold will remind me of who I am
her embrace to comfort me again
       my machine of escape
long since slumbered
       a million miles away

© 1982

1,210 hits as of July 2024


Posted on 09/23/2013
Copyright © 2024 Chris Sorrenti

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by George Hoerner on 09/24/13 at 02:14 AM

A mile is far enough for love to loose it's light let alone a million of them. Nice write Chris.

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