Emasculated Scene

by Philip F De Pinto

As a lad
I would amuse myself in simple things
Such as running my twig in a crack in the ground
Which was no crack to ants but vast canyon
In which to traffic whatever ants will traffic across such a divide
Such things as are strewn about the foot of trees
Remnants and fragments of what might have been
Had not a running twig convened upon the emasculated scene

Now that I am no longer a lad
I would amuse myself in things infinitely more complex
Such as a woman in the round
Or at least I would have
Had some early bird not beaten me to running my twig
In her crack
In the ground
Or was it a canyon
In which to traffic whatever an early bird will traffic
Across such a divide
Such things as are strewn about the foot of a bed
Remnants and fragments of things that get in between
And other peculiar idioms of what might have been
Had not the twig of an earlier bird convened upon the emasculated scene


Posted on 08/17/2013
Copyright © 2024 Philip F De Pinto

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by June Labyzon on 08/17/13 at 02:14 PM

Philip this is perfection in describing how life can push us in the cracks. What was it we sang as children "step on a line break your mother's spine, step on a crack break your mother's back" or in this case a lover's heart. have a way...with words and with life....Thank you for sharing, my dear friend. My favorite lines: Had some early bird not beat me to running my twig In her crack In the ground Or was it a canyon

Posted by Jim Benz on 08/17/13 at 04:11 PM

There's so many ways to look at this Phil, and they're all very touching and interesting. More importantly, the confluence of metaphor, experience, memory, and unbridled perspective add up to a genuine slice of life and its accompanying ponderability. I'm glad I read this today.

Posted by George Hoerner on 08/18/13 at 03:01 AM

Thanks Philip I think I needed this tonight. A fine write on a fine topic and you handle it so well.

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