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Ethereal Dreams

by Angela Stevens

Hold a flower up to the moonlight to witness it's plancental vivacity thrumming deep within
Luminous spots shimmering over crumpled petals and cranberry draped weeds loop the flesh
Raindrop tears that have soaked into her skin, despondent forces that have wilted her within
Concrete roses that force their way up, encrusting her beauty until it becomes pallid and sodden
Until she screams {I am not a pretty girl} her calcrete beauty shudders

Dark sullen soul tipped petals weep away her dreams forcing them to become ethereal screams
Penetrating the forceful dawn into submission, gathering the final specks of solid dust
Offering to this 'fata morgana' as a forefront to the rising sun {she fears to look}


Author's Note: The poem I first applied to pethetic.org with when I was Angelene Stevens at 19. Good memories, not the best poem but at least I find it comforting. Copied from my poetry journal.

Posted on 04/17/2013
Copyright © 2024 Angela Stevens

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 04/17/13 at 11:38 PM

Angela Stevens at 19 sounds like she was going through her primal scream period here. A very powerful, intelligent, destinctive voice at work. Love the descriptiveness and cohesion. The fact it can be read as concrete and an allegory.

Posted by George Hoerner on 04/19/13 at 08:24 PM

I like the write!! There is much more here than most would understand.

Posted by Laura Doom on 04/20/13 at 09:35 AM

Closer to Jung than Janov; mirage or mirror image, this is an oasis...

Posted by Nadia Gilbert Kent on 05/12/13 at 03:30 AM

Agreed with the above - I'm sure 19 has seen far worse. I know mine did from time to time.

Posted by Sam Roberts on 02/15/14 at 02:09 PM

I think this is beautiful, especially love the first line of the second stanza. Its going into my favourites!

Posted by Richard Vince on 06/16/24 at 07:58 AM

Very visual, full of the colours of nature yet somehow in a way that is forbidding.

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