Benefit of the Doubt by Anastasia ShowsI have wrestled with myself
over you.
I have argued with myself
because of you.
but for some reason
i stay with you.
are magnetic.
A charmer, they tell me.
a cheater they whisper.
will never love you,
they say.
will just be sex to you,
they say.
And yes, I listened...
but alas,
the heart often has wax
in its ears...
when who they love
may hurt them.
I'm keeping my head above
I'm leaving my eyes open,
but i'll be damned
before i condemn you
to your past
without just cause.
I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt,
please don't give me reason for pause. 04/14/2013 Posted on 04/15/2013 Copyright © 2025 Anastasia Shows