

by Ken Harnisch

To all the girls I loved before:
Annette was the first

Perky and raven haired
That smile caught me when I was seven
Ensnaring me forever in the web of lost
Romance to which I remain prey
Through this very hour

Aloof and beautiful and so far away
Gorgeous in her countenance
And loved through a television screen
So rabidly I was afraid sometimes
I’d crash the tube with my hungering

Aware I was not alone
That my adulation and admiration
And adoration was shared in secret
By so many I called friends .
Dreaming of nights when I could be fireman or
Knight, saving her from imagined monsters;
Flying like Superman to her side
Should she ever call.

The phone never rang. Sigh.
It did not deter me from knowing
My nascent lusts would be stirred again
When I watched her evolve from
Mouseketeer to teen idol
And knew forever I had thrown
In with the lot of unrequited men
Who would wreak love’s havoc on other hearts.

She was my first, and in my ageing heart,
I hold her portrait dear, and there,
While I go on, she will always live.


Author's Note: RIP, Annette Funicello. Your beauty sent me on a quest I'd like to think is not yet ended, and for that I will always thank you.

Posted on 04/13/2013
Copyright © 2024 Ken Harnisch

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 04/14/13 at 03:27 PM

She was a sweetie, wasn't she. It was fun to watch her grow up, want to at least look like her, own that lovely smile. Ken, you've brought to life in this one that intense yearning of first love that just won't die. Thanks for this.

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