In The Spirit Of T.S.

by Philip F De Pinto

Eliot ( who him? ) or
simply a new twist
on Mother Goose
or an admixture of the two?

One day
there will be time
time to do the crime

Once they set up the scene
and the prop which is the snake
which will convince you on the first take
to do the crime

Which is to write
the great American Novel ( mystery )
one day while I grovel
on past defeats and failures

There will be time to pass
the past defeats and failures
out of your ass-
pirations so as to make room
for more defeats and failures

As it stands now
I haven't the means
which would have been beans ( the great facilitators )
that short sighted son of mine
bartered for the cows

And so in not having those beans to plant
I am deprived of the means
to achieve great height and fame as did the shrewd son of the bewitched
and a hen that laid the golden rules
which leaves me stuck here like old Mother Hen
trying like the blazes to milk this ode

As ridiculous as it seems
into something of worth its height and width
in gold which we can barter back for the beans
if that shrewd son of the bewitched hasn't planted them all
as a means to keep us down on the farm - son


Posted on 01/21/2013
Copyright © 2024 Philip F De Pinto

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