But A Them by Philip F De Pinto
forget the old
and the turgid. there is a new wives tale
on the horizon. leaner and reprimanding our being told
it is as good as gold,
then as now
is at the prow
and the stem
and we are the leaven
to rise
the waves which are not an us
but a them
let us
leap in then
if choice
is not afforded us
on board to remain
let us not remain
if waves rather original voice
than refrain
to echo is to walk and run
in place on the plank
for which we've the captains of our souls
to thank
when the refrain
of keeping in place needs to break
the tumult of pattern and chase
even its own tail
even though we are told
don't go there!
where else can we go
but there we are told
by a new wives tale
by the captains of our souls
it was good as gold
to leap our leaven into
and rise
waves which are not walking
or running in place
which are at the prow
and the stem
which are not an us
but a them
01/19/2013 Posted on 01/19/2013 Copyright © 2024 Philip F De Pinto