Cooking Up Apothecaries by Philip F De Pinto
the archetype of choral and rainbows
that have huddled o'er me since infancy
their incessant mayfair and stares
have sought not cure but masque and malady
while the balm and sure distance of one
upon which flight had never curled talon nor perched
who was cooking up apothecaries in her reveries
meted out heap upon heaping cure upon her rising
Who sashaing to her window
doled out such balsamon looks
as dissolved each layer of silence
and distance between us
such soulful pecks as lanced the boil
of our distant love to streaming
and can such streams contained within
such a boil as is love once pricked but seek
their certain level contra the archetype of chorals and rainbows?
01/18/2013 Posted on 01/18/2013 Copyright © 2024 Philip F De Pinto