never the more by Philip F De Pinto
on an ad venture to nowhere
in particular John Doe lost his
virginity - the particulars of it
and is beside himself as to how or where
he might have lost it or was it just misplaced?
as he faces the prospect of never seeing his beloved virginity again
as luck would have it someone happened by that day he lost it
and dropped it in the mailbox saying to himself that it is the decent
thing to do after all how will this J.D. who lost it explain the loss to a future bride or groom?
and although five feet of snow or more fell the night he lost it
never the more if we are to trust the postal motto of ------
neither rain nor sleet nor snow nor gloom of night will stay
our couriers from their appointed rounds we had better keep vigil at our door
and although John Doe has his doubts yet how to explain the door bell ringing twice?
and who could it be but the postman or shall we say postwoman
in this case who is delivering what she stole begged or borrowed
and J.D. thinking he lost it all the while?
01/18/2013 Posted on 01/18/2013 Copyright © 2024 Philip F De Pinto