It Is Wrong To Behave

by Philip F De Pinto

we are told
by the flower powers that be
it is wrong to behave
like two giddy
and in love
when you are supposed to be crusty
and old
if you will

I was young
as was she
and love for us
was still going up
the hill
not over
as it was in the beginning
it is still

for two
hanging on or about a window sill
with their tongues stuck out
looking toward menacing skies
to query them what they would possibly yield
down to us?

like I said
we were young
and just as my tongue
was about to taste its first rain drop
she who had shared
the same flower pot with me
since day one pushed me away
and took it upon her own petal to savor

rather than say - honey
I'll flip you for it!
or she being the lady I have always known
her to be could have uttered that old stand by
rain rain go away
please come back another day
if you will not fall simultaneously upon
our collective tongue

for we were still young and in love
when all indications pointed to the contrary
still hanging out or about a window sill
and given chivalry is not dead
nor is this the end of our fable
I would have gladly forfeited that rain drop

save at the last moment
the one who had stood by me
from the beginning remembered she was my miss
and reached out to grab me
to her green bosom
inviting me to partake
of that rain drop in a French Kiss

needless to say
despite the flower powers that be
we are still
hanging out or about a window sill
as yet looking to threatening skies
to query them what they could possibly
muster down to two
young and in love


Posted on 01/17/2013
Copyright © 2024 Philip F De Pinto

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