very still water and dark

by Philip F De Pinto

two birds coincidentally named Sherlock and Watson
on their way to happier sleuthing grounds
happened to be flying over very still water and dark
so dark and still it displayed all the markings of one playing possum

when the one upon mere chance and a lark
remarked to the other - hey Sherlock!
I wonder as I often wonder how old water is - which is still and dark?
Duh! remarked Sherlock to Watson who thought it quite elementary
that determining the age of still water and dark
was quite easy to do? which is? remarked Watson!

well my fine feathered friend
determining the age of this water
is the same as determining the age of a tree
which is done via its rings and upon that remark - Sherlock scooted down to the ground
to scoop up a stone in his beak and upon achieving a certain height
dropped that stone dead center of that water
which was still dark though not quite as still as that stone had effected many
concentric rings

and if two birds who happened to be flying to happier sleuthing grounds
had the patience to hover around and count those rings
they would know the age of that water save they had not the patience of true sleuths
but if they did - one Watson would know alas that his buddy wasn't just a bird shooting the bull and e'er
pulling the down o'er his eyes
and while they were hovering away Watson shooting a loving glance toward his buddy remarked!

well I'll be damned Sherlock if your determining methods aren't always ahead of the curve?
nevertheless my dear Watson - as with all things dark they will conceal their age rather well
and this water is no exception - so let us explore on my my dear Watson
of course - my dear Sherlock - but before they do - Watson trusting that his friend
was not quite the sleuth he assumed himself to be scooted down to the ground
to pick up a sharp rock to sever his left ear in which nested his tinnitus
all these fine years and dropped that incessant ringing into those concentric circles
for good measure as a true sleuth would do to cover up for any shortcomings his double billed pal may have had


Posted on 01/17/2013
Copyright © 2024 Philip F De Pinto

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