etc. etc. by Philip F De Pinto
as one who has had his fit
o' the sobs - more than his share
who has been diagnosed as terminally sad
who has a flare and a need to cry real bad
for no reason no reason at all
who is told by sleeve after sleeve
shoulder after shoulder
beer mug after beer mug
to look elsewhere
to cry
other than these sobbing joints
who after all
had reached their saturation points
but where where is elsewhere?
if only there were Johnny
on the spots for one such as Johnny
to duck into and sob sob sob
etc. etc.
in the meanwhile
the clouds having run their course
for divorce
from the sky
and suddenly there is a train full o'rain
chugging down the track in vain
to reach its destination; a town whose criers
have all ganged dry
just when the crying was good
they went dry
why oh why
have we gone dry
decry the town criers
or they would
if they had not all ganged dry
if only town criers had ears
they would this day be grieving in their sleeves
sobbing in their beers
and would know the reason they've gone dry
is that to a man they have forgotten how to be sad
if only they had not taken up with that tear buster Gladys
they would like me be terminally sad
and be glad about it
though they would be told in those sobbing joints
etc. etc. to look elsewhere to cry
but where oh where is elsewhere?
01/17/2013 Posted on 01/17/2013 Copyright © 2024 Philip F De Pinto