one's a crowd

by Philip F De Pinto

there, I've said it out loud.
one's a crowd!

and what constitutes a crowd?
but one, not two or more,

one or more,
which is always the wrong
number to fall in love or sing love's song

to one overly proud

individual, divisive within oneself, the very divisiveness which constitutes a crowd
not two or more,

which are prideless, indivisive numerals and ever will constitute the lesser of a crowd
than one.

go figure!
if you are the one,
why one should constitute a crowd?

not two or more?

but how can such a one go figure
who is too proud
to count his blessings

but oh, how the loneliness of a crowd, stings!


Author's Note: I'm not so in love with myself, but I am so in love with you, you, being the one and only and always will be too, though we are not at present two, but one, which does and ever will constitute a crowd. There, I've said it out loud. I'm not proud of it, this being one, but that is all I have for now, thus I must suffer the crowd which is at present, one. It is no fun being a crowd. there I've said it out loud.

Posted on 01/17/2013
Copyright © 2024 Philip F De Pinto

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by George Hoerner on 01/17/13 at 12:48 PM

Ah, but you have all of those who reside on this sight, whose hearts do jump an extra tic when your name does flutter on the screen. You shall always be loved by those who read your witty words and spout the occasional tongue in cheek verse. Take care my friend! Though the year ends in 13 it may just the luckiest year of your life.

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