vanishing points

by Philip F De Pinto

well taken or not
the point nevertheless is that
someone took it to heart
and Luna was with child
yet the birth was still
the beam tucked in the folds of a hill

and what is a mother
but a wolf may qualify
not merely as surrogate
or one merely fitting in
until the real thing comes along
and the goal for the human foal
is to remain human not turn misanthrope
and lone wolf
while weaning
on the beastly breast

the rest are moot points
and love has its moot point and moot width
and its moot breadth
yet lacking the essential dimension
which was moot height
and love lacking such we may never have known
of an Icarus who fell
or was pulled down like a shade
if love has its flip side
the flip side of which
is to brood the interlude
when the din and birth and rush of pulse
twixt the hand and wrist are stilled and hushed

the ode titled " beware crossing your eyes "
lest in effecting vanishing points
you arrive at them too quickly
was in essence a poem about lines
which had been running parallel all their lives
such as these painted yellow down the road
which have to be constantly chaperoned by the painter
given their mutual attraction and their tendency
to join - and where does that leave the driver
driving down the road at night
but to think two lines are one and safe to pass
and pass he will
and well taken or not
the points nevertheless are that
someone took their joining to heart
and Luna was with child
yet the birth was still
the high beam tucked in the folds of a hill


Posted on 01/16/2013
Copyright © 2024 Philip F De Pinto

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