what do words mean now by Philip F De Pinto
which fail to woo
the very notion and definition
of you?
but they leave me with nothing
left to woo you with.
but words did mean a lot to you once,
whereas each one I issue out of my quiver now
to please you fails to deliver
and is yet another crumpled vulture
to suspend in the air above the fray,
till it lands in the basket with the rest
of the clutch and gaggle of crumpled up fare,
to which I take a lit match
which failed to woo a bird I flew with once
in the very notion and definition of the ether,
who once upon a time licked and pierced my soul
with flames issuing from her heart
more acute than those
which garnish the basket
and does, still.
01/16/2013 Posted on 01/16/2013 Copyright © 2024 Philip F De Pinto
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by George Hoerner on 08/07/18 at 08:38 PM Quite a write my friend! It's for me that I'm not really able to understand word. How feel about being uesd, abused, as I so frequently do. When I have no idea what I am trying to do. I like these words though!! george |