In A Room Akin To Yours by Philip F De Pinto
in a room
akin to yours
if you like
the very one in which
your creativity lay
with a shepherd seeking his lost sheep
in your bed
a plan was made
for creativity to make its getaway
and quick
given creativity is just plain sick
of laying down with shepherds and wordsmiths
seeking lost sheep and quills in your bed
and is doubly sick of all creative urges
and given this sentiment what choice but we - creativity's henchmen
I - the quill and the brush
simply put our head down on the pillow
count the necessary sheep
and never wake up again to our creative urges?
it would be a scenario devoutly to be wished
to bid creativity adieu and farewell
save we henchmen would have no such luck
as the sheep we had counted on to assure us eternal rest
have formed a union contrary to the shepherd's wishes
and have gone on strike
and only those sick of the creative impulse
would know what that would be like
to remain eternally awake
for creativity's sake
to shake
from feeding a sick and depraved creative urge
if only there were other than sheep
to assure us this sleep
but there isn't
lest we rely on counting four walls
white as sheep
walls which are never lost
and thus have no one in this world
to shepherd them from your bed
and back into a flock of walls
shepherding them in case they were lost
and yet if one was lost to us
the roof would come down on creativity and the like
and a shepherd seeking his lost sheep
and a wordsmith seeking his lost quills
so we better count quick for our sake and theirs
lest four walls form a union and strike
01/16/2013 Posted on 01/16/2013 Copyright © 2024 Philip F De Pinto