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History's Stutter

by Dorian Black

Forgive me if
I flinch,
or am accustom
to being left
in the dumpster
where my last relationship
promptly stood it's ground
and stained the walls with
the most beautiful sounds
of suicidal intent.
I've become very good
with battlefield amputation,
but I'm afraid that I've run short
of limbs.
Forgive me if
you find that
I limp away when
people drag out the
skeletons from yesteryear
to flaunt.
It's not personal
I just have a hard time choking
on their memories.
The echoes forget
to call my name,
and really,
who can blame them?
They've forgotten,
what I probably should have,
how to take this
organ off my sleeve.
Real men play piano,
and resonate in the
hollow spaces where the
notes travel, hand to hand.
They all have little
secrets in their lines,
their lives,
with so much buzz,
though I can't locate their hives.
They learned the art of disguise
from mommy's secret guys,
and realized that
history doesn't lie,
doesn't repeat itself,
though it probably should
with a stutter like that.
History doesn't repeat itself,
but I'll be damned if it doesn't rhyme.


Posted on 11/01/2012
Copyright © 2025 Dorian Black

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by George Hoerner on 11/01/12 at 11:16 PM

I really enjoyed this piece. It moved well and was very captivating.

Posted by Maria Francesca on 11/03/12 at 12:28 PM

Loved that last bit about history rhyming - neat concept....

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 11/03/12 at 06:08 PM

Great writing from beginning to end. Possibly because I can so relate to this in my own way. Like Maria, I love the ending, but these lines also particularly stuck out in my mind: I've become very good with battlefield amputation, but I'm afraid that I've run short of limbs.

Posted by Gail Wolper on 12/01/12 at 03:03 PM

This is a fantastic piece! I particularly enjoyed the depth of the ending, but the overall form and presentation are so wonderful!

Posted by Matthew Zangen on 03/17/14 at 11:47 PM

Fantastic flow in this, Dorian. This thin form is usually hard for me to stomach, but it plays well and pays off. Very beat. I hope you get to read this aloud sometime. You grab us at first with the familiar, but your imagery threads throughout into something much bigger toward the end, and you do it with so much style and cynical wit. Easy favorite. Thank you.

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