
If I hate intolerance, does that make me a hypocrite?

by Maria Francesca

An open letter to the bigot on the trolley:

you will not read this.
this is not for you.
it's for me.

I am not proud
of the things I shouted at you today.
I am not proud
that I engaged you at all.

I'm a quiet person most days.
patience and tolerance are
essential to my everyday work


when you informed me
that the only reason you hadn't been
even more unpleasant to me
was that I'm black,

and that
the likely reason for my ignorance
about your music and
-let's say "philosophy" -
was that I'm with a white man,

every day we let things
roll right off our backs
for the sake of peace -
to keep the surface smooth

until one day
someone throws a pebble
in just the wrong place
at just the wrong time

and we stop being

and we just let the wave crest.

I'm not proud of what I shouted at you.
I'm not proud that I hope
that some of what I said
hurt your feelings.

I'm not even proud that
there's this little
part of me
that secretly hoped that you would listen
and that the more reasonable of my words
might change your point of view -

might make you see that it's wrong
to hate a person based on their race
and it's wrong to expect a person
to behave in a particular way
based on the color of their skin
and that it's inconsiderate to foist your views
on people who were only on their way to go out
and have a nice Saturday

but then I have to admit
I kind of did the same thing in the end.

you will not read this.
this is not for you.
it's for me.

if you do somehow come across this meandering little letter,

I hope you have found some peace
and some tolerance.

and, barring that,
let me please reiterate
that I hope you and your cheap fake hair
have the kind of loud, ignorant and ugly day
you deserve.


Posted on 08/21/2012
Copyright © 2024 Maria Francesca

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by George Hoerner on 08/21/12 at 05:50 PM

Ah lady, the dilema!! As the Greeks said "everthing" in moderation. I always thought this a very immoderate statement. We seem to have two sides, the logical and the pationate. I think that when something grabs you in the stomach and feels like you've been attached the retribution is valid. Later you can say your sorry or not. In fact in second thought you just may tear his/her eyes out. Love the write!!

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 09/20/12 at 04:07 PM

Love the oxymoronic rhetorical question for the title. Great prose poem Maria. Someone once said, "Why hate a person for the colour of their skin?...when if you get to know them better, you can hate them for so many more and better reasons." Kind of a twist on the ole' "Familiarity breeds contempt" theme. :)

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