P-K4 by Chris Sorrenti
I look in the mirror
reflection unrecognized
cat...or serpent eyes?
gazing back at me
“come child
one move, two
three moves ... four
up to a square with an open door
where there are no rules
and pawns become kings"
I rub my eyes
asking, “how can this be?
or is it just my imagination
playing chess with me again?”
in so many ways still a kid
yet gone, the innocence known in my youth
the game so much older
rules so much colder
one wrong move and it will be checkmate
so I play it safe and say, “pawn to king four”
I look in the mirror
for my opponent’s response
but instead see my friends
laughing and playing along a vertical horizon
waving me over to follow them:
“forget the beast - that crafty dragon
let the bishops contend with him
besides, the queen of Awe awaits us here
she lives on a chess board
made of diamonds and emeralds
but first, you must become one with the horizon
here, set this tiny blotter upon your tongue
black or white - any color you like
then come be a knight or even a king, dear
have your own castle high in the clouds”
The face in the mirror
desperately curious for something new
purrs with a grin,
“ahhh...don’t be a scaredy-cat
it’s only a game
and if you should lose
...still eight lives to win”
© 1980
950 hits as of November 2024
01/05/2012 Posted on 01/06/2012 Copyright © 2025 Chris Sorrenti