
Love's Emancipation

by Alison McKenzie

From the illusion
That we are separate
Eventually comes
This amazing understanding
That separation
Is never truly possible.

I gratefully
Share Love’s emancipation
From the foundation
Of my being

While I allow myself
To be fully immersed
In Love’s contribution
From every direction.


Posted on 12/18/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by George Hoerner on 12/18/11 at 02:24 PM

Nice write Alison, it comes right from the heart. Unfortunately I believe that hate comes from the same place.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 12/18/11 at 05:06 PM

Those last two lines are delightfully inclusive.

Posted by Mo Couts on 12/18/11 at 10:17 PM

I have to agree with George...I think that hate comes from the same place, but with a heart like yours, it'll never live within you. Beautifully done, Ali.

Posted by Lori Blair on 12/18/11 at 11:45 PM

Absolutely beautiful..truly so...stunning indeed!

Posted by Ken Harnisch on 12/19/11 at 11:05 AM

We so seldom as poets look at "love's contribution" to our well- being. You did Alison and so, so splendidly.

Posted by Joe Cramer on 12/21/11 at 08:52 PM

... excellent.....

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