
Sacrificial Nip

by Alison McKenzie

The Nip touches,
A brief greeting
After months of
Unbearable heat.

I long after it,
A clearing of fated energy
Too elusive for mass.

I light candles,
Invoke the powers of Winter,
Ice the pulpy remains
So Sleep will stay.

I breathe, reposition
The rent fractions,
The left-overs
Of that ill equation.

The Nip dances,
Testing the edges
Of winterling aches.

Peace will hover
Until the Nip,
In due season,
Resides within.


Author's Note: On wanting to be purged of those UK dreams

Posted on 12/17/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Lori Blair on 12/17/11 at 11:03 PM

Beautiful, this heart-sung tale...I can hear and then again, hear again..unending..

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 12/18/11 at 03:00 PM

Yes, quite beautiful Alison. I do seem to sleep better in winter, but wrapped up snugly in my blanket cocoon, it's also harder to get out of bed! Brrr...cold floors on bare feet help get the circulation going though. :o)

Posted by Mary Frances Spencer on 12/19/11 at 07:57 AM

Nip...bite...cold...teasing...provoking work here!!! MFS

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