
Certainties that Stretch

by Alison McKenzie

I know things,
Certainties that stretch far
Beyond wondering.

It was never “if”
I'd hold your hand,
I knew I’d be there,
That if we’d sleep on it,
The dreams, once had,
Would come to pass.

But some ingredient
In the mix of our magic
Negated reality,
Caused the equation
To subtract for “x”
So that both sides
Would equal zero.

Zero as it imitated nothing;
Zero as it personified infinity.

Zero that meant
All those tomorrows
Would never show up
With both of us on
One side or the other.

I circled above it.

I saw it
From every angle.

And I could see
A desolate road for two -
Empty hands, unheld.

And I could see
A miserable journey for one -
Empty hands, unheld.

So I flew, far
From that place,
Until the colors appeared
Vibrant once again;
And lilies waved fragrant
On a sweet wind.

I found me,
Laughing with myself,
Radiant smiles
Against a backdrop
Of receding darkness.

And I forgot brokenness;
Allowing pretense to fall
Into a new ocean.

And I walked barefoot
In the white sands
And clear, blue waters.


Posted on 12/04/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 12/04/11 at 05:19 PM

Love poems that include mathamatics. And what a symbol...0. Great poetics and expression; the failure of romance, and moving on.

Posted by Mo Couts on 12/04/11 at 11:47 PM

This is so full of beauty and intelligence. Clever and thought provoking.

Posted by Lori Blair on 12/05/11 at 12:21 AM

beautiful...my heart echoes the night..most excellent!

Posted by Ken Harnisch on 12/05/11 at 10:57 AM

those last three stanzas are simply the most uplifting I've read here in some time, Alison...beautiful

Posted by George Hoerner on 12/06/11 at 03:09 AM

Nice write lady. So glad some has found there self and written about it so well.

Posted by Joe Cramer on 12/07/11 at 02:03 AM

... so very excellent....

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