
Sentient Elevation

by Alison McKenzie

Once buoyant singularities,
Our breath finally mingles,
Makes us total
More than the sum
Of all of our parts.

It’s just physics;
This much we know –
The gears of us
Match, notch for notch -
The energy squares,
And squares again.

No other affiliations
Have attained depth
Of these proportions.

No other love,
Once shared,
Has levitated such
Experience to flight.

The realized dream
Becomes the crescendo’d lyric
Of a billion unsung arias –
The music of our final,
Neoteric, transmutations.


Author's Note: All of the changes are happening SO fast now!!!

Posted on 12/03/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Ken Harnisch on 12/03/11 at 10:52 AM

I can feel the breathless speed of neurons flashing with inspiration in this and all your latest poems, Alison...the journey has awakened your muse at warp speed and to wonderful effect!

Posted by Shannon McEwen on 12/03/11 at 04:57 PM

love this Allison, love the idea of the sum of our parts and our lives, especially love the last stanza

Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 12/03/11 at 09:49 PM

This certainly does seem to have a hurried, breathless quality to it, an eagerness to capture all the details as they're coming. Such a thing is often impossible, but this piece does a wonderful job of reminding us that it's worth trying anyway. Great stuff.

Posted by Lori Blair on 12/03/11 at 10:01 PM

I love this...especially the energy squares and squares again! love is unstopable once it begins..Brilliant work and how I can feel it all!

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