
Siren Song

by Aaron Blair

I only ever wanted someone to draw blood
when they kissed me on the mouth,
to leave fingerprints on my skin like tattoos,
the bruises forming a map to the place
where they had pried my body open
and pulled all of its secrets out.
I let you sink your teeth into my heart,
press your tongue against it,
and when I put my lips to yours,
I could taste it, the ghost of the ocean
that hid inside my veins, and yours.
You wanted to drown yourself inside me,
so I wrapped my legs around you
and let you slip beneath the waves.


Author's Note: The first two lines were borrowed from Jonathan Campbell.

Posted on 11/13/2011
Copyright © 2024 Aaron Blair

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by George Hoerner on 11/13/11 at 07:53 PM

A good write that many of us can relate to I'm sure.

Posted by Kristine Briese on 11/13/11 at 07:56 PM

"ghost of the ocean" - gorgeous. An all-absorbing beautiful piece of work.

Posted by Shannon McEwen on 11/14/11 at 03:29 AM

I agree it's beautiful, the last two lines really struck me.

Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 11/15/11 at 12:06 AM

Those other lines are pretty damn good, too.

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