
advanced mathematics

by Maria Francesca

he tells me
he likes how my scarf
matches my blouse
and how my eyes match heaven
and I tell him
that's cheesy
and that he's silly
and I don't tell him
how much I love him
I can't count that high.


Posted on 10/16/2011
Copyright © 2024 Maria Francesca

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Joe Cramer on 10/16/11 at 07:28 PM

... excellent.....

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 10/20/11 at 03:20 PM

I agree with Joe. Excellent title and poem to match. :)

Posted by Alison McKenzie on 10/22/11 at 02:35 AM

Maria - this is breathtaking in that understated and brilliant way. Ahhhh. I love that you wrote it and shared it with us!

Posted by Elizabeth Jill on 10/24/11 at 04:17 PM

This will stay with me forever.

Posted by Mo Couts on 10/26/11 at 09:04 PM

If someone wrote such a beautiful love poem for me...I know that I would surely explode with love all over the place. This is beautiful!

Posted by George Hoerner on 04/21/16 at 11:03 PM

Oh my, as a math major I have to love this one!! Nice write!!

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