A Mother’s Love by John Stevens
The love a mother has for a son
is without measure.
From the moment that life begins
a mother’s heart is our heart.
Her heart is our life,
until we are born.
Then she carries us in her heart
and in her prayers.
Her love for us is over shadowed
only by God’s love.
As we are in our Mother’s heart
We are in the heart of God.
He carries us in His heart until the day
we are joined once again with Him.
His love knows no bounds,
His love has no limits.
His love is with us
even in our darkest hour.
May God’s love and blessing
be with you in this hour of need.
Author's Note: May 2002 to my friend who lost his mother and wife in a months time.
It was ten years after my mother died that one Sat morning I picked up the phone and dial her number. It was a rather strange feeling. Maybe she picked up at her new address.
Posted on 07/25/2011 Copyright © 2025 John Stevens