
the Windmill Pushers

by Steven Kenworthy

it sounds like striped shirts in candy tents
we are the backbones in your soft spines
crimson white vines
knotted notched knives
five lumbar lower
call the chiropractor
this is the first mistake of the rest of your life.

you get on a plane and cut off the wings nose
dive you see what is left of the bone marrow bridges bodies burning.
you put everything to the test tubes
television sky and stack your worries neatly on the clouds.

the heart of a lover
the mind of a massacre
the jekkyl & hide

you take the day off
to put on your best night.

all white
all red all blue
beneath everything else
the fragile fabric and dense cloths
are the veins and streams.
we set sail and deliver the cells to the virus scene.
you map out exactly 50 stars.
there are only one million of us.

this is the network.

spiderwebs & barbed wire bedsheets
we are stitched in.

slipways & harpoon ships

there are only one million of us.
polyester winds carry brass birds
100 hour weeks
so our cottons can breathe deep

sleep in peace,

we listen to Eliza Glow on repeat.


Author's Note: for my friends out here in the fight. it's true that you can write poetry in a war zone. with love, from the 'Stan.

Posted on 07/25/2011
Copyright © 2024 Steven Kenworthy

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 07/25/11 at 08:30 PM

Definitely tells a strong story with a lot of really well-capture, sharp imagery.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 07/26/11 at 03:33 PM

Great stuff. Stay safe. I loved the contrasts in S3 and how you included elements of the flag in S5. "we are the backbones in your soft spines" - my fav line.

Posted by Laurie Blum on 07/26/11 at 05:36 PM

You're one helluva poet Steven! Stay safe! Big hug!

Posted by A. Paige White on 07/28/11 at 06:09 PM

"stack your worries neatly on the clouds" now that is poetry to me. Heaven forbid we should fling them up there sloppily in our words that angels have to mop up. Love it. Love. It. L.O.V.E. I.T. You're still my mostest favorite poet. Wow. Some things never change except to get better. Like your poetry, for instance. Thanks, Worthy.

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 07/30/11 at 05:56 PM

...an old vinyl record had but one groove; it went the length and distance of the record...as does this pressure-cooking perception and delivery...i'm dodging the same realities while awaiting death nahahahahaha.

Posted by Frankie Sanchez on 08/01/11 at 06:01 PM

You know I adore you. Entirely. There's a few lines and images in here that I love. [spiderwebs & barbed wire bedsheets / we are stitched in.] However, overall, as great as it is, I didn't connect with it like I do with most of your writing. And maybe I'm just in the wrong brain at the moment. I just wanted to be honest.

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