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I am a Dopeless Hope Addict.

by John Stevens

Life seemed to suck.
The pain seemed so real.
The drugs seemed so easy
To change what I did feel.

At first it seemed to help
To cover up the pain.
But the sucking sound I heard
Was my life, down the drain.

The hole I found myself in
Got deeper by the day.
Hope seemed to fade from me
That help was on the way.

The help I sought and found
Was the “friends” who got me here.
Those who had the pot, the meth,
The drugs and the beer.

The family I once had loved,
Seemed distant from me now.
My love had turned to hate
By the love of drugs somehow.

The hole caved in on me
From a distance I could hear.
“We loved her, Oh so very much”
“We failed her. Somehow my Dear.”

They pulled me from the darkest hole
I, myself, had dug.
And took me into their arms
To rescue me from drug.

The days turned into many weeks.
My head began to clear,
To see the ones who really love me.
My hate was not so near.

A cloud of doubt and guilt rained down
For the things I had done.
Soon love returned to fill my heart
Where once the drugs had won.

Forgiveness came from those who loved,
To me, for the many years.
For the pain and sorrow I had caused
To them, through many tears.

A group of families gathered ’round
With love so great for me.
I soon discovered through the tears
Their abundant love was free.

I felt the love of those who care.
I learned to love again.
To care once more for what I’d lost.
To trust and live within.

When temptation comes to my door
To offer me a high.
Let Love instead answer the knock
And with Serenity say - goodbye!

© (07-25-2003) John L. Stevens


Author's Note: (9-22-04 added 4 lines) This story has not ended. It will continue for a life time. Life is about decisions we make on a daily basis. It dictates what we will possibly do tomorrow based on what we do today. Life is built on decisions. The end of the story will be written when we meet the One who loves us unconditionally. The One who died on the Cross for us. (2-22-04) Love triumphs over adversity when God is in it. “Never give up” must be the words to live by. Progress is made even when there are two steps forward and one step back. Thank God for the progress. Hope lives on in the hearts of those who trust Him. (2-8-06) This was written the second day of parent (me) and youth interaction at a rehab center after listening to a group of kids and parents. It was a compulsive write that I could not put down until finished two hours later.

Posted on 07/25/2011
Copyright © 2025 John Stevens

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Mo Couts on 07/25/11 at 12:53 AM

Wow! This is magnificent, John!

Posted by E. A. Pugh on 07/25/11 at 04:50 AM

Love this.

Posted by Jody Pratt on 07/25/11 at 07:46 PM

A piece that everyone can relate too. Well done.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 11/21/11 at 04:26 AM

This clearly tells the story, the help in healing, the continued struggle. So very real in our time. Thanks for this.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 11/21/11 at 04:26 AM

It's a great title!

Posted by H.M Stevens on 01/20/16 at 01:56 AM

wow! great piece.

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