
Bliss in the Mist

by Alison McKenzie

The inner stillness
Raps ever so softly
On the gate;
My lips answer with
Increments of upward curve;
A core glow
Radiates outward
In waves of amber,
Mulberry, and
Bits of shimmer.

There is bliss in the mist;
And it's soaked me.
I wonder if
Riding my bike
Is Nirvana for the body.

I am
One foot in the present;
The other intra-dimensionally
Dangled in the paradigms,
Walkingsoul baptized
In the tides of humanity’s waves.

Active without,
Tranquil within,
Protected by Love,
Washed in Light,
Buoyed by the music,
Always the music.


Author's Note: It's so rainy! But I don't mind. My insides are quiet. :)

Posted on 07/14/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Mo Couts on 07/14/11 at 01:40 AM

As always, beautiful! What a message, here.

Posted by Ken Harnisch on 07/14/11 at 02:52 AM

I have always found the rain a wonderful place to think and be and just let go...this poem should have been written amongst those raindrops, and it probably was, Alison...:)

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 07/16/11 at 12:08 AM

...yep, i'm with Ken; we are of water, essence o' life and you are scrumptousily wallowing in it... sorta a mini, very personal OMMMMMMMmmmmm.

Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 07/16/11 at 10:07 PM

No argument there. Loved this.

Posted by Kevin Fehlen on 10/24/11 at 01:17 AM

"I am One foot in the present; The other intra-dimensionally Dangled in the paradigms" Brilliant.

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