
Between a River and the Ocean

by Alison McKenzie

She’s making her way at last,
Finding her way to healthy
Back to still waters, peace;
Learning to breathe in
And exhale, like there is a tomorrow after all.

She’s riding the river walk,
Everyday on the rise and fall
Of a brilliant sun
While the trolley man waves.

She veers right, to home,
Onto the little forest path
Where the branches connect
From both sides;
Canopy the trail in dappled glimmers
And birds giggling the rhythm.

She’s growing young,
Finding her strength,
Setting a new pace,
Satisfied with the joy of each moment.

There is so much to pull her forward,
Third person driven to love


Author's Note: Not at all like being between a rock and a hard place...

Posted on 06/25/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Mo Couts on 06/25/11 at 01:25 PM

This poem is so hopeful and full of life. It was almost as if I could hear your voice reading it to me; congrats on walking this path to life, self love, and all those other fun things. You deserve it, and sooner than later, the flowers will come at your feet!

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 06/27/11 at 07:13 PM

...cool transitions, ali. skoal!

Posted by Kevin Fehlen on 10/24/11 at 01:14 AM

"She's growing young" That's definitely my favorite line. The thought of which makes me smile.

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