Blue Ribbon Hooha

by Linda Fuller

A short time after the gyno visit
a letter is received by the examinee
a woman well past her shelf life

who, with muzzy brain and fuzzy sight
while slurping milky tea
attempts to read her test results

the letters swim and swirl, so
’’`’’`’’`’’`~A trophy~`’’`’’`’’`’’
is all the gist she can decipher

now see a sere and tottery crone
twirling in stained housecoat
hosannas lofting from her lips

as she remembers table tennis tourneys
the thwack and plop of well manipulated balls
her paddle raised victorious

and booths of purring pusses
spitting rubbing lapping cream
to wow kowtowing judges

but in her long and waning life
never for her nethers, kudos
nor loving cup for loving cup


Author's Note: "age-related atrophy" - just kill me now - although it does make a nice companion piece to my rage-related apathy...

Posted on 06/12/2011
Copyright © 2024 Linda Fuller

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Rhiannon Jones on 06/15/11 at 05:43 PM

This is so wryly clever and funny to me. Love it!

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 07/04/11 at 08:03 PM

There's a certain sexual primality to this piece that definitely shifts the libido into 1st gear, though superbly masked by the subtle literary architecture.

Posted by Ariane Scott on 08/10/11 at 01:48 PM

So much to love about this-- the sounds, the syntax, the vividly drawn pictures; the wry tone. A very admirable write.

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