
All or Nothing Girl

by Alison McKenzie

I’m a bottomless glass of verklempt,
Not that I really speak Yiddish,
But I get it.

My ego and I have this ongoing conversation.
Ok, debate –
Alright, argument
If you must.

My ego likes to live as if
It’s all about me, all the time.
I wax on, ridiculous,
About being the only one
Who has to
“Live in my own skin…”
As if living in my skin
Was some sort of prize
From that time
I dressed up like someone else
On “Let’s Make a Deal”.

Or, contra-wise, my ego drones on
About how small and insignificant I am,
Dons the very best “Eeyore” voice to say
“I’m just the pocket lint in yesterday’s outfit,
Double acid washed and tumbled dry”
As if being little more than nothing
Renders some sort of viable enough focus
To make up for all the ways I could be different.

(Insert appropriate scoffing noise here)

Pocket lint is no more than
An irrelevant menace,
And living in my own skin
Is surely the sad karma
For some crime I must’ve considered worthy
At some stop along the path.

But, God, (if there exists such an entity)
I’m nigh on 50, which has got to be
Halfway to Somewhere,
And I don’t believe
I’ve got any more of a clue today
Than any other day
I’ve ever been human.
Isn't it time, yet,
To figure it all out?

I am nonplussed,
An all-you-can-eat
Dish of absurd -
And that is all.


Posted on 06/09/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 06/09/11 at 10:56 AM

...ali, this sounds like some of my thoughts...better oranized and better written,glad to have them ratified...hugs, gal. we both don't know nuthin' and yet 'on for the ride', has a solace about it...well stated, well written.

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 06/09/11 at 04:38 PM

Intellectual, entertaining material Ali. No dessert, unless we eat all our vegetables first. ;o)

Posted by Ken Harnisch on 06/09/11 at 07:48 PM

I think I was on the same manic ride, at Six Flags of Life. The highs were astonishing, for the instant I was high. the lows, however...oy vey. Well written, dryly ironic...another great one Alison

Posted by Mo Couts on 06/10/11 at 12:40 PM

This is awesome and sounds like my thoughts this week =)

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