Postcard from the Ledge by Linda FullerFather, as you know I’ve been depressed
and felt a time away from you would do me good
so booked a flight to paradise with no goodbye.
Look: see the sun sink below mountain’s crest
flowing purple and gold. Imagine you stood
where I stand, your eyes imbibing the sky.
In this nightfall’s supernal glow, old grief
infuses my body; reeling palm fronds sigh,
calling me to fall. I think I could –
my life’s a sterile plane of plain motif –
must I?
05/08/2011 Author's Note: This is (I hope) a curtal sonnet, for Paganini Jones' Postcard Sonnet challenge in the Sessions of Sweet Silent Thought Circle, rhythmically based on Gerard Manley Hopkins' "Pied Beauty", with a rhyme scheme of abcabc dcbdc. The rhythm is "sprung rhythm"; I duplicated Hopkins' "Pied Beauty" rhythm as best I could. Quite an exercise! In the wee hours of this morning, the punnish title and first line came to me, and I became locked into it. This is based on an imaginary postcard of a sunset. Anyway...
Posted on 05/08/2011 Copyright © 2025 Linda Fuller
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by E. A. Pugh on 05/08/11 at 08:49 PM Great work on structure! Inspiring. |
Posted by Paganini Jones on 05/08/11 at 09:26 PM Oh yes! Definitely a Curtal Sonnet, and a worthy contender for the challenge. Excellently done! |
Posted by Gail Wolper on 12/04/12 at 09:17 PM Fantastic! What a difficult challenge to attempt! I must try this, but it does look difficult. |
Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 12/08/17 at 05:19 PM This is quite a lovely poem, Linda. Congratulations on POTD |