
A Day Late, Mother

by Alison McKenzie

How generous -
An insignificant measure of
Pretentious humans
Set aside an entire day
For You.

Yet in your tolerance
You endure
Our small-minded endeavors -
The kicks, bites,
Tantrums of
Arrogant creatures
Who rely
On your very blood.

When you stretch,
Crack and moan,
Spew the fiery contents
Of your corish depths,
We gather up our dead,
Tuck them neatly,
Solemnly back inside;
Unsolicited sacrifices
To some vague god
That we apparently fail to appease.

Yet in your infinite patience,
You remain
Ever faithful to laws written
Long before Light
Played upon Your Waters,
Or Wind danced through leaves.

And so we give you a Day,
As if all of them
Don’t belong to You already,
Earth, ever constant
Earth, unafraid,
Earth, Mother.


Author's Note: I sometimes wonder if She isn't bemused by our grandiose ideas of our self declared importance, but I don't really know. It should also be noted, I suppose, that ONE day spent in conscious acknowledgment of Earth is better than none.

Posted on 04/23/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 04/23/11 at 04:35 PM

...mmmm good, good; a tibute to both and all Mothers.

Posted by Ken Harnisch on 04/23/11 at 10:47 PM

you've captured the enduring but seldom recognized truth, Alison, that we abuse She whom we must respect...but She doesn't care. When the whim hits her, all our arrogant sureties get crushed by wind and wave, earthquake and volcano. Great tribute!

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 04/25/11 at 02:16 AM

This sums up our relationship with our Mother very well. That second to last stanza adds a sacred note here that I appreciate.

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