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VII. Luna & Terra.

by Eli Skipp

Luna grows weary of keeping the time and the tides
for Terra. Luna loves Terra. Terra’s surface in his full
phase shines sixty times brighter to Luna, than Luna
does to Terra, and Luna loves Terra.

But Luna is tired of keeping the time and tides for Terra;
it is time Terra grew up.

And Luna is also tired of Terra moving so slowly. It takes
so many days for him to make his orbit, yet Luna orbits a
day at a time. No more, says Luna. This relationship has
grown unfair. Luna deserves better treatment and a celestial
body that will give her the attention she deserves.

Luna pulls away.

Each year, Luna yanks and yanks and manages approximately
five inches per. Terra doesn’t notice at first. He’s been busy lately
and likes the break from constant communication. But forty years
down the line his day is suddenly thirty seconds longer. How did
this happen? He pleads with Luna – you are too far away, he says.
Come back. Come trawl my seas, come organize me.

Luna ignores Terra. It is time to be her own heavenly form.
She pulls away.

They argue over the separation for ten billion years, and when
Luna finally turns back to Terra, he is so far away and his rotation
has slowed so much that her month and his day are one.


Author's Note: Based on a bunch of Niel deGrasse Tyson quotes.

Posted on 04/08/2011
Copyright © 2024 Eli Skipp

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by V. Blake on 04/08/11 at 06:44 PM

Wonderfully original and powerful work, Eli. The voice you use here is perfect for the story you tell, and anything inspired by Neil is a-okay in my book. Wonderfully done, and Happy Birthday!

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 04/09/11 at 02:16 AM

I'm a big deGrasse Tyson fan. This is a nice marriage of science and poetics. My favorite phrase in this - "come organize me". Thank you.

Posted by Elizabeth Jill on 04/09/11 at 04:31 PM

Beyond Belief fine, Eli

Posted by Laura Doom on 10/04/11 at 10:33 AM

Might be my favourite micro-universe...

Posted by Meghan Helmich on 06/08/17 at 02:53 PM

I love Luna and Terra. And feel much more knowledgeable about the whole subject. And much more melancholy.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 06/12/17 at 12:46 AM

Extraordinary. Six years later and "come organize me" is still my favorite line.

Posted by LK Barrett on 06/15/17 at 08:46 AM

I will always love this. But then, you have steadfastly inspired me for so long. Thank you for the write. LK

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