

by Alison McKenzie

It’s a walk in the forest,
Dappled sun on the ground,
Musty but not sour,
Tendrils curling
In the sanctuary afternoon.

The fern fronds whisper
Everything they know about
Your caress
Tickling my thighs
As I breeze

The crickets are almost singing
To the cadence of
My careful, spongy steps.

You are stuck in my mind
Like a dream I want to keep having,
So thirsty for just a sip of you,
Thimble of forbidden potion.

Even the sharp generosity
Of the songbird’s reverie
Stops dead
In the face of such tall dangers.

So I stand
In the narrow hollows.


Author's Note: Inspired by a strange mix of Elliot Thaler's most recent poem, Poetica , along with some strange techno/electronica music I've been listening to.

Posted on 01/17/2011
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Paul Lastovica on 01/18/11 at 02:17 AM

I am curious of the electronica that brought this on =)

Posted by Colleen Sperry on 01/18/11 at 02:42 AM

interesting write.. Love the title

Posted by Timothy Wilson on 01/18/11 at 04:30 AM

Muy bauno i love it and you. Cause you rock. Much like techno n stuff

Posted by Glenn Currier on 03/08/11 at 06:17 PM

I can almost smell the fern, the almost musty forest floor, feel the spongy soil under my feet. All the nature images set me soaring and then to bring it around to the thirst for "just a sip of you." So much to love about every stanza. The last one, however, sang deep into me. Thanks for a beautiful poem, Ali.

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