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So We Decided to Dance

by Jody Pratt

Eye candy catching glimpses;
like soft wet lips and softer kisses.
A smirk twists and jerks until it bursts;
a smile realized as if rehearsed.

A near miss hints from painted lips;
we imagine ways to graze our hips.
A hand hands over fingertips.
I tip my hat and loose my wits.

An elbow endeavors to turn the tide.
Her smile widens; her eyes alive.
She begins to turn until she spins.
Each subtle movement makes me grin.

A hand placed perfect persuades
this woman to parade.
Emotions exploded from a glance.
So we decided to dance.


Posted on 12/06/2010
Copyright © 2024 Jody Pratt

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Joe Cramer on 12/06/10 at 04:35 AM

... excellent.....

Posted by Laurie Blum on 12/07/10 at 05:57 PM

Lovely. I can see a number of different dances in this poem!

Posted by Leonard M Hawkes on 12/26/10 at 08:27 PM

--yes, I can feel this one.

Posted by Leslie Ann Eisenberg on 12/27/10 at 08:00 AM

Beautiful! Love it! pk

Posted by Alison McKenzie on 12/27/10 at 09:27 PM

Congratulations on POTD!! This sums up the decision pretty precisely, I'd say.

Posted by Scott Utley on 12/29/10 at 07:34 PM

I love the rhyme ... a jewel.

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 12/31/10 at 02:32 AM

Very well done Jody. Rhyming works and is not forced in any way. Congrats on hitting no. 1!

Posted by Angie Jenkins on 01/16/12 at 11:29 PM

Wow this is beautiful! Sensual and emotional and perfect :)

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