
Narrowing the Who

by Alison McKenzie

I am not this eyeshadow,
These blushing cheeks,
This hair,
These stretchmarks.

I am not these teeth,
These eyeglasses,
These clothes,
These feet.

I am not these words,
Nor experience,
Nor exchange.

See beyond my eyes,
And you will see into my soul.
But I am not these orbs.

I am not this womb,
These breasts,
Or the lips that will send you to heaven.

I am not these hands,
Nor what they fashion.

I am not these thoughts,
Or what becomes of them.

I am not the children born to me,
Nor the chattel of the husbands whose names I’ve penned.

I am not your daughter,
Your sister,
Your mother,
Your wife.

I am not my name.

I am not even the day I was born.

I am every sunset,
Every snowflake.

I am entangled.

The wind carries my every to your one,
And one becomes all
I am.


Posted on 12/01/2010
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 12/02/10 at 04:11 PM

This built steadily to that last dynamite stanza. Thank you, Ali!

Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 12/02/10 at 04:27 PM

I love how this winds down. Those last few lines are just perfect, so well-said.

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 12/04/10 at 10:19 PM

...ali, put your damn pen down. write no more, forever...m.c. hammer claimed 'you can't touch this!' ...well, gal, this too is Untouchable. i envy, i envy...and don't think i missed the line about heavenly lips.

Posted by Adam Dyson on 12/09/10 at 10:13 PM

Brilliant and empowering.

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