

by Wayne Tate

You can say you missed me,
that you waited
for my crooked smile
to form outside of the haze.

The forgotten transgressions
turning into full trespass,
as I closed the gate behind me
and trudged up the naked path.

I could have stayed
inside you forever
as I walked down the hallway;
taping every window shut

Stopping to feel the rain pelting the glass
with my palm wide open
as I desperately searched for a pattern
that would tell me you were near.

I saw my fingers breathe.
Attaching their soft pulse
to cool clear rhythms
though you felt miles away

And all I could hear
was the sound of a wet drum;
the water sliding from view,
mingling with memories

I recall the distance of your light.
The groaning; the cracking
of a well-worn bridge
behind me.


Author's Note: The hardest thing to wonder is if this was worth the wait.

Posted on 11/21/2010
Copyright © 2025 Wayne Tate

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Sarah Wolf on 11/21/10 at 02:41 PM

The second and third stanza are the best. You write in such a passionate refined grace. Most people stumble all over them selves trying to express feelings such as these. I would describe this as a stunning intimacy with your own awareness. What a come back! Glad you are writing again :)

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 11/21/10 at 04:37 PM

...worth the wait? certainly, for me. this is beautifully spotted like a leopard; realities that are there and those we invent[or make real]; a good shovel-ful of a mixed bag--such as life, love...worth, value [to self and [an other!] ] yet, we trudge onward. healthy write on a never-ending subject.

Posted by Tony Whitaker on 11/22/10 at 09:17 AM

A metaphorical feast this read. A poem I wish I had written!

Posted by Linda Fuller on 11/23/10 at 11:46 PM

This is lovely - I keep coming back to it.

Posted by Glenn Currier on 12/17/10 at 03:27 PM

If I were a movie producer/director, what a moving picture this would make, you walking down the hall, groaning, cracking bridge behind you. The camera moves over your shoulder and down - continuing inches above the wooden slats of the surface. And in the soft coral light beyond images of a man in pained conversation with another... Thanks for this wonderful piece, Wayne. I appreciate your allowing me to walk briefly with you. Wonderful write.

Posted by Kris Mara on 01/13/11 at 02:25 AM

I wish I had the words right now to express everything I love about this piece. Your words are woven well...clearly and engagingly (hope I'm making sense tonight). Anyway, it's good to hear your voice again...it's been too long...

Posted by Alison McKenzie on 02/08/11 at 05:48 AM

Yes, definitely. It's full of all of the things I've always loved best about your poetry!

Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 06/11/11 at 09:28 PM

There is a poignant wistfulness in this near dirge of what appears a dead or dying romance.

Posted by Gail Wolper on 12/02/12 at 01:56 AM

You write crisp and clean. I feel like I take a good shower when I read your stuff. First stanza rocks, third and fourth---oh why bother, the whole piece is great!

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