
A Mother's Prayer (for Steven)

by Alison McKenzie

I see him taking soft steps
Upon his fresh and gentle path
He is exploring.
It’s not the first path
His feet have tread,
And while it’s likely
It will not be his last,
I would be delighted
If he never strayed.

Oh Temperate Lord,
Look with favor on him,
My dove-son,
And bless his gracious heart.
Grant that his pristine soles
Always guide him to You.


Posted on 07/08/2010
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Max Bouillet on 07/09/10 at 01:40 AM

This is a beautiful prayer. I like the possible dual use of the word 'sole' and the 'footsteps' quality of the imagery. Great read.

Posted by Adam Dyson on 07/09/10 at 11:17 AM


Posted by Elizabeth Jill on 07/11/10 at 04:28 PM

Perfect prayer.

Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 07/11/10 at 07:20 PM

Very personal yet universal prayer poem that I'm sure any parent, including myself, could adopt.

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