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Slipping Thunder (W/ S.K. Kenworthy)

by Anita Mac

We were away,
just like that;
a flickering flash of thoughts
that would never happen.
The grin of possibility curled into your backbone tonight.
Something’s here everything is missing
childhood games
systolic versus diastolic

the constant back and forth of respiration.

There are those quick thoughts, easily dismissed--
the curse of a creative mind
and at one point I wondered
if cycles weren't as natural as we take them to be.
I hid beneath your blankets when I needed cover
I stumbled around in the dark looking for success.
How do you win a battle with the lights turned off?
Let me whisper you war stories.
Get tactical on you.
Slipping thunder,

the constant back and forth of respiration.

Maybe the strobe of a dying candle isn’t enough.
I carry my sin in the smoke. I wait for a breeze.
I warm you up good.
I scorch my conscience, I etch my fingerprints across you.
The wax is everywhere
the hardening shell is saline
pacific ocean you.
Should I come out clean and you,
a work of art left to learn loathing for
edits, finders and keepers?

the constant back and forth of respiration.

You were a pearl well protected
separating the top from the bottom to reveal
internal bleeding.
I want to drown gently
like this almost occurred.
Check my oxygen
go again.

the constant back and forth of respiration.

Finely combed sand is not enough
crushed ashore
we are the wreckage of all the old wives’ tales
seaweed song
we are not compatible for more than once
the disappointed cameras
the starving nets.
There is no tragedy worse than almost

the constant back and forth of respiration.

Quick breaths and slowing hearts,
and we are just a glance meant to be given up.
Shallow breaths and pounding hearts,
and we failed to let it pass properly
making almost something


Author's Note: It's good to work with people who write outside your box. Seriously, a true pleasure.

Posted on 06/24/2010
Copyright © 2024 Anita Mac

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Steven Kenworthy on 06/24/10 at 01:49 AM


Posted by Nanette Bellman on 06/24/10 at 02:53 AM

"I carry my sin in smoke."....wow. Very good you two!

Posted by Therese Elaine on 06/24/10 at 03:30 AM

Lovely, plummy, delicate and gut-punching...I not only wholeheartedly approve, I love it!

Posted by A. Paige White on 06/24/10 at 04:57 AM

"I warm you up good. I scorch my conscience, I etch my fingerprints across you.
The wax is everywhere
the hardening shell is saline
oh. my. God. Those four lines zapped me. I lived those four lines for eight years. Because I couldn't stop until Jesus paid me a visit in a dream on April 1 this year that rocked my world and shook me twice as hard Ottawa. at least. This is awesome. Highest marks and my pick for POTD. Y'all have to do this again. Please?

Posted by Morgan D Hafele on 06/24/10 at 05:49 AM

Bravo! well done kids! really like what you guys did here.

Posted by George Hoerner on 06/24/10 at 03:49 PM

Very nicely done.. What else is there to say except congratulations.

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 06/24/10 at 05:08 PM

...what a jewel. me w/ my a/r and o/c, i'm wondering which of you is the puppet and which of you is real. you-two got me going on this one; so much blame for me tripping on that box you kicked aside in order to come up w/ this...lovely, wonderfully scary[so close to real-life]piece and using 'tactile' was genius, as was so much of this write. hats off to the both of youseguys!

Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 06/24/10 at 07:29 PM

Just damn stunning. Simple as that.

Posted by Laurie Blum on 06/26/10 at 07:33 PM

seductive and dreamy...just how I like my poems!

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 06/26/10 at 07:57 PM

Solid, dynamite construction in this one. I catch myself breathing more carefully as I read. "and we are just a glance meant to be given up." - my fav line.

Posted by Anne Engelen on 06/27/10 at 07:51 AM

wonderful piece

Posted by Frankie Sanchez on 06/30/10 at 08:55 PM

"the wax is everywhere." - this is just so damn good.

Posted by Laura Doom on 07/18/10 at 11:31 PM

Epic -- a serious extended play, more like a boxed set (without the box, of course :)

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