Convenience by Amie GoldaThe langauge of the century,
We all love to bask in,
Cannot be found on bookshelves
But on every clicking mouse,
As every ticking clock
Has been replaced with
Highspeed notes
That all too easily remind us of the day ahead,
And all too easily trick us
Into thinking we can get things done before its end.
It's in our time, it's in our steps,
Making decisions for us before we can do a double take
And sniff the roses grown in the ground.
Alive, not on our tongues,
But in our culture, our habits our choices and options;
With whole stores devoted to it.
It eats us like the cancer it claims to defeat;
As we try in vain to save the planet,
We bearly notice
How Convenience is killing the children each day. 03/31/2010 Posted on 03/31/2010 Copyright © 2025 Amie Golda
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by George Hoerner on 03/31/10 at 01:47 PM I wonder at times if technology isn't one of the many roots of evil that follow or lead us around and into issues we are not prepared to solve. Good write lady. |
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 03/31/10 at 03:43 PM ...amie, this is one heavy write...what a perception you got there, gal. it's alawys begun with a small decay, eh? |
Posted by Joan Serratelli on 03/31/10 at 06:29 PM Amie-this is SUBERB write!"we try in vein to save the planet". You're right; we need to think long and hard about the children. They are the future; yet we are killing them out of the sake of convience. Absolutly brilliant observation. Thanks for sharing- better than good- |
Posted by Shannon McEwen on 04/01/10 at 05:02 AM ha, so true and yet could I live without it? Like it! |