Into the Fray by Megan GuimbellotThere is always so much left unsaid
For reasons that vary
And reasons that don’t.
I’ve learned to suppress these things, to hold then in even when they tangle synapses and wreak havoc on my insides
These things that chew away at peace of mind
At clarity
Like a thousand thousand little red ants marching marching onward to nibble away at all the self-control I’ve gained,
Their lines of tiny ant armies straight, their march determined, patient, calm, focused
They will start at the bottom to destroy the foundation// send it all tumbling down and I will be left covered in a fine layer of dust and shocksurprise
Surrounded by the ruins of maturity and composure that held me together
And I’ll just sit there spilling secrets and things I’ve always wanted to say but couldn’t.
03/18/2010 Author's Note: The ants go marching one by one
Posted on 03/18/2010 Copyright © 2025 Megan Guimbellot
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Shannon McEwen on 03/18/10 at 02:08 PM well said Meghan. First of all I like this, the words that is. I'm not sure about the form, I think it may read a bit clearer in more structured stanzas but that could be just me! |