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by Curtis Sethaler

Fine, you win, take what you want.
I'll just get it back again
You. You. Have it all.
You won't leave me alone,
And you'll never know what I mean, You'll never see this,
Never see me,
Never be like me!
I know you try, but you hate it all,
Hate the way you are.
Hate everything.
Silence hurts my ears, noise breaks my heart.
Broken and sealed, torn, stitched and leaking, punched like a time-clock.
Consciousness knows no wage, I pay with my life to feel,
I feel lost.
I will never be better
Never see a light,
Never get out alive.
Have you gotten it all yet? Hurry up, tear off my skin, make a shoe or something.
Don't go just yet, finish.......breaking me into nothing,
Nothing more,
Nothing less,
Just like before.


Posted on 03/02/2010
Copyright © 2024 Curtis Sethaler

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 03/02/10 at 03:05 PM

...curtis, a good write...touches on the surreal of 'all' love then into some specifics re: your disappointments w/ love and investment...i love a lot of the phrasing in this.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 03/03/10 at 04:31 AM

"Silence hurts my ears, noise breaks my heart. Broken and sealed, torn, stitched and leaking, punched like a time-clock. Consciousness knows no wage, I pay with my life to feel, I feel lost." - some of the best lines I've seen lately.

Posted by Kris Mara on 03/01/12 at 01:00 AM

well written honesty here...I wish I had better words tonight, but had to tell you this is appreciated...thanks for sharing...

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