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A Much Melancholy Thing

by Jeffrey Parren

This living
this existence
this thing it is
to be alive
is a much melancholy thing.

the benefit of a good life
an honest life
seems ever diminishing.

The men and women who run this country
the ones who protect and serve
are out cheating us
and their spouses.

Scandal here
scandal there
these stories don't just invent themselves.


Why is it so hard
for people in power
to keep their noses clean?

It's easier to assume the accuser
is telling the truth
than the accused's innocence to be fact.

I'll admit it:
I have given up.

Three garbage bags are full
polluting the entry way
to my apartment
that has a couch
but no bed.

I walk in to the odor
of rotting vegetation
and Tropical Water deodorizer.

Like playing some pickup basketball
and going out to a gourmet dinner
and showering with cologne.

I sit up late.
Day and night are only differentiated
by the level of light.

The couch and computer chair
have a permanent cheek imprint.

The dishes lay in the sink
developing smells
I can't believe even exist.

I am that horrible scene in a movie
that people can't imagine
someone living in such a way.

I've given up.

I work, sleep, eat,
play video games
look at my debts
wondering when they will go away.

I look at the people I wait on
and realize how some of them
really have it put together.

I'm 30.

To date me would be a step down.
Go date the guy I waited on last night
he's the prize.

I've given in
and the fight is gone.

Do what you will
to me
I am roadkill
push me with a stick
the fight
the fight
the fight



Author's Note: It's true.

Posted on 02/27/2010
Copyright © 2024 Jeffrey Parren

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by V. Blake on 02/27/10 at 05:12 AM

What a perfect ending to this poem. If you will permit a tangent here, did you ever hear the Fight Club theory of Ferris Bueller's Day Off? The interpretation that Cameron was insane and Ferris was some guy he made up to live out this fantasy life for him? It's a pretty bizarre and interesting read. Look it up if you haven't before.

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 02/27/10 at 07:37 PM

Never give up, never surrender! Time for spring cleaning, and ignore the dudes that make the headlines, better yet, ignore the headlines. Loved the gradual ending to this.

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 02/27/10 at 11:12 PM

...jeff, known/seen your writing for year or two, and it is so gutsy, cushioned-raw, [palatable], and lately your poety is even better, this story, this moment was delivered in such a pleasant[friendly] read...you never was full/steam serial killer thingeee, yet like Thoreau you speak of all, ALL men living in quiet despeartion...this is a beautiful?, poetic drama cum comedy/ eh,? of life, this is a walking Mona Lisa of regular life. add people: stir.

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