
let's do something crazy

by Maria Francesca

'Let's do something crazy,
something absolutely wrong'

-that was you quoting Cohen
back in our early days
when everything was still possible
and we were still perfect
and I was still foolish
and absurdly naive.

Now the possibilities are narrowed
as they always seem to be, in the end,
and we are reduced to was and were
and never should have.

'Let's do something crazy,
something absolutely wrong'

-it bounced around my brain
like a pinball in a tin can
so I did it -

'something crazy,
something absolutely wrong'

and now the faceless, nameless He
lies on the other side of the bed
with his arms folded across his still t-shirted chest
and this thought comes to me,
unbidden and unstoppable
like a wicked leg cramp
but in my heart instead:

you would be holding me right now
if was and were
could only have stayed is and are and us

and I have never been

'Yeah, let's do something crazy'

and I have never been more afraid
I might be broken for good

and permanently
'something absolutely wrong'


Author's Note: *

Posted on 02/19/2010
Copyright © 2025 Maria Francesca

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by George Hoerner on 02/19/10 at 01:34 PM

A wonderful 'what if' poem. As if were and was could not be anything but past tense or dreams that make the heart burst.

Posted by Therese Elaine on 02/19/10 at 01:46 PM

Ahhh Maria....I think we've all been there -and I know Cohen's words all too well -issuing from the lips of the right lover, even Chelsea Hotel #2 seems like an ode to spontaneous love-making and devil-may-care indulgence...but at heart it's a hymn to cold and empty hotel rooms, lovers who move on, people who don't know your name or what you like or how you take your coffee...I never had someone use 'let's do something crazy' -I got 'dance me to then end of love' -which was more like a three-minute jitterbug of chaotic sidestepping before being unceremoniously dumped in the middle of the dancefloor for better partners. I think now you and I both understand the song "Everybody Knows," a lot more now.

Posted by Sandy M. Humphrey on 02/19/10 at 06:47 PM

Ahh our craving for spontaniety instead of the same ol can lead us out of ourselves, this is an amazing write, I love the blending of the couplet from the song into the poem and the way you wove the emotions through out. I thought I was forever broken as was the ness of togetherness but I was wrong...krazy glue fixed it. Very good write. smh

Posted by Julie Adams on 02/20/10 at 01:37 AM

I love the flesh and bone of this piece, how ur readers implicitly understand the subject through your choice details, the repetition of the quote, and the recognition of time and change and what could have been...the climax for me rests in this stanza: "you would be holding me right now/ if was and were/ could only have stayed is and are and us"...ur clever word choice and line breaks season the details u sprinkle in, and it is a wonder to behold...a slice of life poem, and an instant favorite for me...peace n poems to u, ~jewels

Posted by Allison Smith on 02/21/10 at 12:01 PM

A pleasing reminder of my favourite artist!

Posted by Melissa Arel on 02/23/10 at 02:08 AM


Posted by Amie Golda on 02/23/10 at 03:08 AM

i love the way you repeat Cohen's words and break it up and weave a story in and around it. The story of this is what makes it great and the simplicity of the way it was told, not hiding anything boosts the imagery and text to new heights.

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