
The Possibility of Today

by Amie Golda

The clocks are all broken
But the road stretches ever onward, endless.

And the train ride's a gamble
For all we know we'll miss the coupé, hopeless.

But the sun is on our side today,
And we'll all chase after our cravings,
Like madmen on a sugar rush or junkies left unsated.
We'll raid the dens of desires
'til we're love drunk with the dusts of our lusts
And the frozen clocks can't stop us with their tick tocks.
We'll listen to whispers not meant for us,
Be the heroes and heroines of our disasters
'Til we find our halos, smothered in chocolate kisses of dreams
begotten from counting the sheep that skip over lost sleep

And the lazy afternoon will treat us with an avalanche of words
That dance---dance, through memories and the possibilities are


Author's Note: A little bit of everything from my day today. Shall we call this a stream of consciousness poem?
Try and find some names of songs I heard today.

Posted on 02/17/2010
Copyright © 2025 Amie Golda

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Therese Elaine on 02/17/10 at 01:59 PM

Amie, this is a lot of fun, mostly because this is the way I ramble on when doped up on cold meds and also because it has that kind of sing-song recall feel to it -I confess that any reference to a song is probably lost on me since I predominantly listen to dead people or those obscure enough that one might think they're dead -but I love the clock references throughout because they put me in mind of a faerie tale sort of journey...and now I'm rambling because it's ungodly early and I've not had coffee yet -but hopefully you understand that I love the piece.

Posted by Sandy M. Humphrey on 02/17/10 at 02:59 PM

This struck a chord with me for yesterday I felt like the clocks were all broken as sad news reached me from several messages. The world was less a few lovely people and my heart greets the sun today, I thought of how we must truly live each day and then I read this poem...you write it as if a gift were given, the possiblities endless and it must be lived to its fullest. I love that is was a stream of consciousness or a mere dance to be danced...thanks. smh

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 02/18/10 at 04:01 PM

A most enjoyable read - the inner rhymes, the lyrical nature of it; really liked how the "tick tocks" stop the tongue at end of that line; the sheep,sleep line makes me chuckle; there is much wisdom in the first two lines. Thank you.

Posted by V. Blake on 02/19/10 at 05:20 AM

This might well be the best thing I've ever read of yours. "Like madmen on a sugar rush or junkies left unsated" was absolutely brilliant. Adding this to my favorites.

Posted by Julie Adams on 02/19/10 at 03:44 PM

I love this piece, the energy of it, to echo Therese, I felt a fairytale floating amongst the words in this piece, not unlike Alice in Wonderland, where we can make our own time, our own world, our own possiblities...loved: "Be the heroes and heroines of our disasters/ 'Til we find our halos, smothered in chocolate kisses of dreams/ begotten from counting the sheep that skip over lost sleep"...just lovely...one thing that struck me I thought I might mention, first stanza, the "ever" and "endless" felt a bit redundant, but since the next stanza ended in "hopeless," was wondering if you considered omitting the word "ever"?? just a thought...don't get me wrong tho, this is a fav of mine already, and kudos to making it on the top rated list, well deserved poet!! Hugs, jewels xoxox

Posted by Joan Serratelli on 02/22/10 at 05:45 PM

I'm obsessed with time. This is a great read. Will you please come over and smash my clocks? I agree with Kristina- good food for thought; wonderful read- thanks!

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