
#08 (World War III) Youth-in-Asia

by Jersey D Gibson


The second front has begun,
does it really matter how it started?
A jump-start on this resource war,
and peace was the only thing martyred.

A million guns, a million souls,
and more coming its way.
A million tanks, a million bombs,
coming to pave the way.

A simple rattling of the sabre,
brought to you by this election season.
Polls were down, stocks were plummeting,
an assassination of the dawn of reason.

A million smiles, a million lies,
brought to you in HDTV.
A CNN ticker tape telling you everything,
everything you only needed to hear...

Children with guns
Children with bombs
A million child march
Bearing arms.

A decimated city
A broken, bloody street
Brought by the youth in Asia
and their thunderous feet.

No use to deny, no use to tell,
a volunteer army got deployed to hell.
Simple lines sway, simple lies today,
simplicity itself to make war this way.

A million walls, a million laws,
built for your protection.
Constitution suspended in emergency counsel,
just a course in natural selection.

Arm yourself, brace yourself,
as the air sirens call out your doom.
Pray together, stay together,
as heavenly bombs come down seeking you.

A million miles, a million dials,
and one big red button to make the point.
Ten thousand people polled for their opinions,
paid and bought for, what was the point?

Kids with guns
Kids in the lawn
Kids playing army
Strapped with suicide bombs.

A land-mine field
Cleared and sweeped
By the youth in Asia's
Marching feet.

Did you know, did you tell,
did that Red Army halloween costume work so well?
There goes your freedoms, there go your rights,
all in the name to go and fight.

A million lives, a million pleas,
cracked cities marked by burning buildings.
See the blips on the radar screens,
Tell God we'll be meeting Him soon.

A man with no spine, a man with no balls,
leads a nation fierce behind safe walls.
Explores every option to kill and maim,
crater holes quickly turn into mass grave sites.

A million rounds, a million sounds,
is this the fury we have unbound?
Break the charge, hold the line, waste your life,
sooner or later there will be no meat left to grind.

Boys with guns
Girls in planes
One more draft pick
We'll go insane.

A country in trouble
A country in deep
Invaded by the youth in Asia
Oh, how we weep



Author's Note: Jesus... I think I might need a shrink. Bought and paid for by the phonetic spelling of 'euthenasia'.

Posted on 01/30/2010
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 01/30/10 at 02:57 PM

$#%@ing brilliant.

Posted by Charlotte Smith on 03/24/10 at 04:24 AM

I never give high ratings. This poem deserves them. I can't even begin to imagine, and yet you help me imagine it.

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