Dissed with the Goat by Amie GoldaMy lot's been cast with a cynical goat
The condemnation's condemners, oh how they gloat!
Whilst I was sitting idly by
In the shadows of the weekend skies,
Words were trickling into Pathetic eyes
Of a madman poet and his quests---
Another madman poet making his jest.
I read of a mad mammal's wicked disease
In the form of sev'ral classics' tease;
Whilst here another mad mammal was crowned the king
Of top rated poems and Pathetic things
The irony here, is that, my friends
The way in which this complaint would end:
Though it would lead to my surprise
It lead to that very condemnation's demise.
Where a denunciation
Becomes an unlikely publication
Only the cosmic gods of humor can be blamed;
For, a blow to me which I now keep framed
Proves this one thing in a world of the strange:
Lit'rature is the humor of our souls
Translated into words printed whole. 01/25/2010
Author's Note: Just to let you in on the joke: http://www.pathetic.org/poem/1264310941
In case you didn’t know. This was what greeted me upon my return to Pathetic after a weekend of laughter. Thanks a lot Terry!
Posted on 01/25/2010 Copyright © 2025 Amie Golda
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Terry Olynik on 01/25/10 at 02:39 PM This would be a lot more fun to comment on if it wasn't so damned good. Just be aware that neither your tender age nor your geographic isolation will protect you from ongoing scrutiny. The whispers of your involvement in the black arts grow ever-louder. Hard to believe your nickname - "Nanny" is mere coincidence. |
Posted by V. Blake on 01/25/10 at 06:09 PM The irony of this whole thing is that I feel more popular now than I ever did before. Welcome to the bandwagon, Amie; we're happy to have you. :) |
Posted by Therese Elaine on 01/25/10 at 06:20 PM This is borderline nursery rhyme...if David Lynch did nursery rhymes...but again, you always manage to infuse this sense of lilt into your pieces so I inevitably end up speaking them aloud several times to get the feel for it -and of course, aside from the quality which is awesome, between you, Terry and Vince, I get enough laughs to counteract even the dullest of days!! |
Posted by Rachel Bennett on 01/25/10 at 07:01 PM This is very well-written! -A bold message about keeping it light. I'm really enjoying this trend lately - thanks for throwing down! |
Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 01/25/10 at 10:28 PM Let's hear it for those "whole words" - loved this; it does (a)muse. |
Posted by Michael Smith on 01/26/10 at 02:38 AM Way to absorb the moment and turn it into a literary gem, Amie! This is excellent and a great representation of the goodness you've been bringing. Thanks for sharing it with us and laughing with everyone. So glad to have you here.