

by Richard Vince

December welcomes us with frost,
As if we need reminding that
This is winter now.

Words linger visibly in the air
As hands retreat into
Long sleeves and faces peer
Out from behind scarves.

Temperatures rise as the
Temperature drops and we
Approach the most frenetic
Time of the year.

All this I have learned to
Ignore, preferring to fill
My senses with the warmth
Of winter clothes illuminated
By the low Sun, softened by
The condensation on bus windows.

I know I have said all this
Before, but it bears repeating,
For positivity can be elusive
At this time of year.


Posted on 01/04/2010
Copyright © 2024 Richard Vince

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by George Hoerner on 01/05/10 at 01:59 AM

You can write over and over about winter for me if you will. December is the beginning of the "killing off" of those things that can not take the cold. It dusts the landscape if you will, in preparation for the Spring revival of live dormant beneath. I grew up loving the winter and still do. My body disagrees with my spirit.

Posted by V. Blake on 01/05/10 at 02:55 AM

I wish I had your penchant for starting poems off so perfectly. If I'm to give myself any credit at all, I'd say I can occasionally grab the reader's attention by a little ways in, but it's never once taken you more than 2 or 3 lines to sell me on your poems. Excellent once again.

Posted by Olivia Martin on 01/05/10 at 01:22 PM

Great write! I especially loved the images in"Words linger visibly in the air/As hands retreat into/Long sleeves and faces peer/Out from behind scarves." I too am a "sucker" for winter -- I had the opportunity to travel to florida, but decided central new york was more promising -- but I must admit, sometimes the beginning of this season gives me pause. ;)

Posted by Anita Mac on 01/06/10 at 06:06 PM

I love this piece. The fourth stanza is quite my view; it makes me feel just a little cozy to know you share it. :o)

Posted by Genevieve Sturrock on 01/06/10 at 08:28 PM

heh, yeah, too right, too right!

Posted by Kristina Woodhill on 01/11/10 at 04:18 AM

I love winter - you add to its presence especially with that second stanza. Thank you.

Posted by Kristine Briese on 01/11/10 at 07:31 PM

Beautifully stated, full of originality and individuality. Love it, my friend!

Posted by Amie Golda on 01/12/10 at 01:56 AM

"Temperatures rise as the Temperature drops and we Approach the most frenetic Time of the year."--->love the parallelism here. Great write.

Posted by Laurie Blum on 01/12/10 at 07:34 PM

I keep grabbing up all the positivity when I see it just sitting around the office or dropped on the sidewalk or left piled next to a trash can. I actually like winter.

Posted by Allison Smith on 01/13/10 at 09:21 PM

"As if we need reminding that This is winter now" I love this in so many ways. Nice write and something I can relate to alot right now.

Posted by Tony Whitaker on 01/16/10 at 04:17 PM

"Give Me Snow, or Give Me Death"! How's that for a positive response to your positively brilliantly positive look at winter (I hope my English teacher doesn't ask me to conjugate this sentence).

Posted by Laura Doom on 01/20/10 at 08:27 PM

Tastefully atmospheric, as always; one thing in particular that made me smile was the irony inherent in All this I have learned to ignore.
Also, notable by absence, is any reference to a specific person other than the narrator which, for me, results in a concentration of seasonal influence. Do I waffle, or what?

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